Friday, May 25, 2007

Foodie Blogroll

I am now, in the infancy state of this blog, a proud member of the Foodie Blogroll. If you happen to find your way here, please leave me a comment! And if you happen to be a foodie blogger, please join the Foodie Blogroll! It will make it that much easier for me to stalk you...


Thistlemoon said...

Hee Hee!
Glad to have you in the foodie community!

Moderator said...

I'm a new foodie blogger too! I love the Foodie Blogroll - it is so great to connect with other people who love to cook!

Anne Coleman said...

Hello!! You're so close by, how awesome! Hi, neighbor!

Cris said...

Nice! I just joined too!

Jennifer said...

Hi! I've just joined the BlogRoll too - seems like a great idea too, although I now spend lots of time browsing the internet. Keep enjoying your blogging!

wedbliss5 said...

Hey fellow nestie and foodie blogroller! This seems like a great way to make the world a smaller place. :-)

Hungry Janey said...

I am new to the food blogging too, but having WAY too much fun with it. What a coincidence that I stumbled upon your blog today...manacotti is on ourmenu for tonight! :)

foodiechickie said...

Ins't it fab. I have to try your Mexican Wontons. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Just found your site through the Foodie Blogroll. It's *exactly* what I've been looking for! I'm trying to break out of my cooking rut so your site is really inspiring. :)

annie said...

I'm new, too, and not even showing up on the blogroll yet. I like what you're doing, and I'm impressed that you find ANY time to cook given your responsibilities. I had a preemie who was watched over by angels like you, and I think you definitely deserve to eat delicious things when you have a breather, even if you make them yourself!!

BC said...

I'm another newbie and I love it!

Alleigh said...

Hi...I'm a new foodie/fitness blogger too! I'm in the process of signing up on the foodie blog roll, but wanted to say hi. Great start to your blog!

Rachel said...

I found you thru foodie blogroll. ::waving hello::